Our puppies are raised on an advanced curriculum, blending the best of Puppy Culture and Badass Breeder, empowering them with confidence to tackle the world ahead.

From scent introductions to handling exercises, sound desensitisation, and exposure activities, we provide a comprehensive early development program for our beloved pups.


At 3 days old we begin Early Neurological Stimulation (ENS) and Early Scent Introduction (ESI). ENS is known to improve cardiovascular performance, stronger heartbeats, stronger adrenal glands, more tolerance to stress, and greater resistance to disease. ESI improves their scenting ability, Enhances confidence reduces behavioural issues in the long term.

Badass breeder WALA Australian Labradoodle

Toilet Training

We introduce toilet training when the puppies are around 3 weeks old. We create a separate toilet area for them to go to which encourages them to go, we do this in hope to kick start their training.

Please note, although we introduce toilet training at an early age, when the puppies go home they will NOT be fully toilet trained so please expect them to have accidents.

Puppy Massage

At 3 week old we begin a “10 step puppy massage’. We do this massage every day, and increase the pressure of our touch weekly. This 10 step puppy massage is part of our advanced curriculum which is part of the Badass breeder program. The massage helps get the puppies exposed to different types of touch and handling. This includes their eyes, nose, mouth, collar, nails. We also like to start trimming their nails and getting them used to brushing.

Crate Training

We begin to introduce our puppies to a crate around 6 weeks old. We believe when used correctly a crate provides a safe and comfortable space for them to go too. It also assists with their toilet training. We begin crate training by having the crate in their play area during the day so they can investigate it before gradually working up the steps to them sleeping inside the crate. All our puppies will have their own Snuggle puppy which will smell like the litter with them in their crates.

Please note, although we introduce crate training at an early age, when the puppies go home they will NOT be fully crate trained. The first few nights away can be scary so please allow time them to adjust

Bow Puppy WALA Australian Labradoodles


Also at 3 weeks we begin exposing our puppies to different sounds (bin men, door bell, daily hustle and bustle in the house etc), sights and textures. This helps build up our puppies confidence whilst providing an enriching environment for the first few weeks of their life, setting them up for their greatest adventure with their new family.

Temperament Testing

Around 7 weeks of age we conduct a individual puppy temperament test which focuses on 12 important traits that will help give a better insight into how that puppy might be and what lifestyle they would fit into. This only doesn’t provide information to families in helping them choose, but also honours the puppy by placing them into a correct home environment. Once temperament testing are completed, families will get each puppy’s scorecard emailed a few days before puppy selection.

WALA Australian Labradoodle  Puppy Culture

Puppy Pod

Puppy Pod

We are delighted to introduce the 'Puppy Pod,' an exclusive resource offered by Northern Ireland Australian Labradoodles. This comprehensive platform has been meticulously designed to provide you with essential support and preparation as you embark on the exciting journey of welcoming an Australian Labradoodle puppy into your home.

We understand the significance of adding a new furry companion to your family, and we are committed to ensuring that you have all the necessary knowledge and tools to become a responsible and well-informed pet owner. The 'Puppy Pod' offers a curated collection of valuable resources and training courses, tailored to equip you with the skills and expertise needed to provide the best care for your new Australian Labradoodle puppy.

Upon the birth of your selected litter, you will receive immediate access to the entire puppy training course. With an extensive 8-week timeframe, you will have ample opportunity to engage with the content at your own convenience and pace. The 'Puppy Pod' allows for revisiting the material as often as needed, enabling you to reinforce your understanding and improve your approach to puppy ownership.

At Northern Ireland Australian Labradoodles, our dedication to supporting our puppy families extends far beyond the initial adoption.

WALA Australian Labradoodle Pupstart Ambassador Program